Mediterrean Style Gate

Mediterrean Style Gate
Scrolls, Arched Top, Beautiful

Friday, March 9, 2012

Gate Latches

If you’re installing a walk or entry gate you will have to consider what type of locking mechanism to use.  This is also the case if you’re installing a manual driveway gate.

If you are installing a walk or entry gate then there are many options. The standard closure for a walk gate is a gravity latch or a slide bolt. Either latch is a good device if you wish to have your gate accessible most of the time.  If you are going out of town, and would like your walk gate to be made safe, a gravity or slide bolt latch can be secured with a padlock if necessary. Another option is to have a deadbolt and entry lever installed.  This is one of the more popular choices; it gives a more finished look and is easily secured.  There are also magnetic gate locks, they can simultaneously open or lock the gate from either side. It usually uses a 6-pin security lock that can be conveniently re-keyed (by a locksmith) to match other Kwikset house hold door locks. 

If you are installing your walk gate around a pool, then you will need your gate to be self-closing.  There are both hydraulic gate closers and spring gate closers.  Make sure that the latch you choose meets code for your project. 

If you desire an upgraded lock you may want a Mechanical pushbutton lock.  Dependent upon the mechanical lock chosen, there may be varying functions.  These locks allow for various ways of managing entry by code, by key and by passage mode operation of the lever handle. 

Most manually operated driveway gates are held closed with cane bolts.  If you want further security, you can include a slide lock so that you can padlock the gate shut when needed.  Another alternative to securing driveway gates is to automate them with a gate operator and either wireless keypads or a telephone entry system.

As you can see there are latching options available for every budget and that will accommodate most projects.  Ask your iron fabricator which latch is best for you.

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