Mediterrean Style Gate

Mediterrean Style Gate
Scrolls, Arched Top, Beautiful

Monday, March 5, 2012

Privacy Screening

There are times when it is necessary to have a gate or fence that either filters or blocks the view from the outside world. HOA's or CC&R's will sometimes require that a boat or recreational vehicle be blocked from view of the street. There are ways to accomplish this and still have a beautiful iron design.

Perforated panels can be welded to the gate or fence panels to filter the view. A perforated panel helps to camouflage things that are located behind it. This is not the solution if you need to block the view completely but it helps to diminish what can be seen. Perforated panels come in many different hole sizes. Ask your iron fabricator to show you some samples.

If you want to block the view completely then consider using solid plate.  The plate is welded to the back of the fence or gate panels. Solid plate is sturdy and completely blocks anything from being viewed. 

If you think your iron design will look too plain using either of these privacy options, don’t despair, you can always add iron components and pickets to the design.  It’s easy to design a gate or fence that is beautiful but gives you the privacy you require.

If you choose either type of panel, you might consider powder coating over painting as your finish.  Powder coating gives a very smooth clean finish to solid material.  Any type of steel material will have flaws and the larger the surface area the more flaws you’ll have.  Powder coating helps to hide those flaws.   The baked on finish, along with the UV protected colors, will enhance your iron design and help it to last for many years to come.


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